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Great Are You Lord
How Marvelous
One Name (Jesus)
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Parenthood is a 3-Week series kicking off Sunday, September 22nd from 4pm-6pm! Childcare provided. Parenthood is for all parents (young parents, single parents, parents who have been parenting for a long time, and everyone in between) who are navigating the different stages of parenting.
Baby Dedications
Baby Dedications are a time where parents get to publicly commit to raising their kids to the Lord in front of the Cypress Creek Church family. If you are interested in dedicating your baby/toddler(s), we would like to come along side of you in this journey!
Whether you’ve been around Cypress Creek Church for a while or you’re brand new, taking the next step begins with Discovery. If you’re interested in becoming a partner, looking for a place to serve, or just curious to see what Cypress Creek Church is all about, Discovery is for you!
Whether you’ve been around Cypress Creek Church for a while or you’re brand new, taking the next step begins with Discovery.
KidsVids is a fun and engaging portal full of content for Kids to learn and grow spiritually from home!